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Digital Citizenship

CMS staff is committed to providing a safe, responsible, kind and 
creative experience for all students - both on and off-line. The goal is excellent, engaged citizenship all around.
DC Humanities
Fearless Kids
"We need thoughtful, empathetic digital citizens who can wrestle with the important ethical questions at the intersection of technology and    humanity." - Dr. Kristen Mattson, EdD
This past year the MSBSD has been using Common Sense Media curriculum to teach Digital Citizenship lessons, K-12, largely through its school library programs and reinforced in the classrooms. Click below to go to the Common Sense Media website and learn more about their curriculum and view their lessons. To view the lessons you will need to create an account, but we encourage that of parents.
FBI Cyber Surf Islands - Games designed to teach Cyber Safety... try it out! 
OnGuardOnline - Developed by this site has short informative videos, games, and tutorials on topics ranging from personal safety, phishing and how to secure your computer... a great resource for home and school!
Netsmartz Workshop - "The NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational safety resource from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) for children aged 5 to 17, parents, guardians, educators, and law enforcement ..."  Uses interactive activities and resources. - Tips for students, teachers, parents and various resources including an Internet Slang list and parent-child Internet use contracts.
The Cyberbully Virus - a YouTube video - well done analogy to a virus.